First Name
Last Name
Mailing Street
Mailing City
Mailing State/Province
Mailing Zip/Postal Code
Mailing Country
To which U.S. states do you have a meaningful connection, such that you understand the state's context? (e.g., lived; collected extensive data). Select all that apply, using ctrl+click
Business Phone
Employer type
Primary Discipline
Twitter Handle
Online Bio Link
Race/Ethnicity (confidential)
Gender (confidential)
Pop: Asian &/or Pacific Islander
Pop: Black
Pop: Children/youth
Pop: Hispanic &/or Latinx
Pop: Immigrant &/or refugee
Pop: Indigenous, Native American, &/or Alaska Native
Pop: Individuals with disabilities
Pop: Low income and/or poverty
Pop: Older adults
Pop: Rural
Pop: Veterans &/or military families
Pop: Women
Tech: Data systems
Tech: Program evaluation
SUD: Drug policy
SUD: Harm reduction
SUD: SU Diagnosis and classification
SUD: SU Epidemiology
SUD: SU Etiology
SUD: SU Prevention
SUD: Community-based SU prevention programs
SUD: Home-based SU prevention programs
SUD: School-based SU prevention programs
SUD: Treatment and recovery
Social serv.: Adoption (domestic)
Social serv.: Adoption (intercountry)
Social serv.: Adverse childhood experiences
Social serv.: Case management
Social serv.: Child abuse/neglect prevention
Social serv.: Child and/or parent advocates
Social serv.: Child maltreatment
Social serv.: Child or parent mental/behavioral health
Social serv.: Child welfare systems
Social serv.: Dual status youth
Social serv.: Out-of-home care
Social serv.: Permanency planning
Social serv.: Reunification
Social serv.: Social services workforce (e.g., social workers, case managers, behavioral health workers)
Social serv.: Termination of parental rights
Pub. health: Epidemiology
Pub. health: Health equity
Pub. health: Infectious disease
Pub. health: Maternal &/or infant health
Pub. health: Nutrition and/or assistance programs
Pub. health: Physical health
Pub. health: Sexual and reproductive health
Pub. health: Social determinants of health
Indiv. health: Behavioral and/or mental health services
Indiv. health: Health care
Indiv. health: Insurance and billing
Indiv. health: Medical records
Indiv. health: Telehealth
Vio: Community or gang violence
Vio: Exploitation
Vio: Family and/or intimate partner violence
Vio: Gun violence
Vio: Hate crimes or extremism
Vio: Human trafficking
Vio: School violence
Vio: Sexual violence
Vio: Victim services
Vio: Violence prevention
Vio: Workplace violence
Crime: Community policing
Crime: Corrections and/or legal system
Crime: Cyber crime
Crime: Justice system involvement
Crime: Juvenile justice &/or delinquency
Crime: Law enforcement
Crime: Police reform
Ed: Child care
Ed: Community schools
Ed: Early education &/or preschool
Ed: Education services and supports
Ed: Educational equity
Ed: Higher education
Ed: Home visiting programs
Ed: K-12
Ed: School choice
Ed: School counseling &/or student mental health
Ed: School readiness
Ed: Teacher workforce &/or professional development
Econ: Access to broadband
Econ: Career development &/or employment opportunities
Econ: Corporate responsibility
Econ: Economics
Econ: Financial issues
Econ: Housing &/or Homelessness
Econ: Opportunity Zones &/or HUBZones
Econ: Technical skill development
Econ: Vocational rehabilitation
Econ: Work incentive programs
Econ: Workforce development
Entrep: Access to funding & capital
Entrep: Entrepreneurial ecosystems
Entrep: Entrepreneurial innovation &/or integration
Entrep: Entrepreneurial mindset, skills, &/or leadership
Entrep: Entrepreneurial networking, advice, &/or mentorship
Entrep: Entrepreneurship education &/or training
Entrep: Equity, inequities, &/or disparities among entrepreneurs
Entrep: Intellectual property &/or tech transfer
Entrep: Macroeconomics &/or policy
Entrep: Micro entrepreneurship &/or small businesses
Entrep: Microeconomics, business equity, &/or financial health
Entrep: Pay, compensation, &/or benefits
Entrep: Scalability and large companies
Entrep: Social entrepreneurship
Enviro: Climate change
Enviro: Environmental justice
Enviro: Toxin exposure (e.g., heavy metals)
Enviro: Urban planning