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Welcome to the Rapid Response Network!  

Please read the information below and complete the form to enroll.


We support the transfer of science to societal impact. The Rapid Response Network is a group of researchers who receive tailored notifications that facilitate effective policy engagement. Researchers, broadly defined as those using scientific methods in academia or practice, find value in policy engagement for their scholarship and national recognition of their expertise.   

As a contributor to the Rapid Response Network, you are expected to abide by our non-partisan, non-lobbying approach, and abide by our code of conduct. Participants may be removed for violations. 

Topic Areas

Scholars of all social science* disciplines are welcome, though our current projects (last updated 1/2024) focus on: 

  1. Substance use/misuse (1/2024 thru 12/2028) 

  1. Entrepreneurship, economic development (4/2022 thru 10/2024) 

  1. Child maltreatment and social services (ongoing) 

  1. Violence Prevention (2024 and ongoing) 

  1. Active projects also touch on issues related to education and health (medical, mental, and public) 

We welcome researchers in other disciplines to provide their contact information in enrollment should new projects support those areas of research translation. Inquiries for expanding these policy areas may be directed toward Taylor Scott ( In the meantime, members with experience with research on the above topics will receive the most opportunities to engage with policymakers in 2024.  

Terms of use

Upon entry to the Network, you will be asked to agree to our full terms of use. Those terms are very generally:

  1. Please act professionally.
  2. We reserve the right to remove you from the Network.
  3. We use data to understand and improve the user experience, and may ask you to complete related surveys.

By continuing to enroll, you agree to these terms.

Enrollment Instructions

Please complete the fields below to enroll in the Rapid Response Network.

Biographical fields:

This information is used to contact you, and help us and others understand who you are. Your race/ethnicity and gender are private to you and system administrators.

Research areas:

This information is used to send updates and requests on policy issues related to the topics you select. For example, you may be asked to contribute to a fact sheet on these topics. You will receive the most updates and requests for areas you indicate you have expertise in, but you may also be contacted if you indicate familiarity.

The specific expertise fields are organized by umbrella topics with an abbreviated prefix, and you will be added to the corresponding umbrella topic community. To remove your listed experience, select the blank field in the dropdown list.

  • Pop. = Populations
  • Tech = Technical skills
  • SUD = Substance use/misuse
  • Vio = Violence and victimization
  • Social serv. = Social services
  • Pub. health = Public health
  • Indiv. health = Individual health
  • Crime = Crime/criminal justice
  • Ed = Education
  • Econ = Economics & workforce
  • Entrep = Entrepreneurship
  • Enviro = Environment
First Name
Last Name
Mailing Street
Mailing City
Mailing State/Province
Mailing Zip/Postal Code
Mailing Country
To which U.S. states do you have a meaningful connection, such that you understand the state's context? (e.g., lived; collected extensive data). Select all that apply, using ctrl+click
Business Phone
Employer type
Primary Discipline
Twitter Handle
Online Bio Link
Race/Ethnicity (confidential)
Gender (confidential)
Pop: Asian &/or Pacific Islander
Pop: Black
Pop: Children/youth
Pop: Hispanic &/or Latinx
Pop: Immigrant &/or refugee
Pop: Indigenous, Native American, &/or Alaska Native
Pop: Individuals with disabilities
Pop: Low income and/or poverty
Pop: Older adults
Pop: Rural
Pop: Veterans &/or military families
Pop: Women
Tech: Data systems
Tech: Program evaluation
SUD: Drug policy
SUD: Harm reduction
SUD: SU Diagnosis and classification
SUD: SU Epidemiology
SUD: SU Etiology
SUD: SU Prevention
SUD: Community-based SU prevention programs
SUD: Home-based SU prevention programs
SUD: School-based SU prevention programs
SUD: Treatment and recovery
Social serv.: Adoption (domestic)
Social serv.: Adoption (intercountry)
Social serv.: Adverse childhood experiences
Social serv.: Case management
Social serv.: Child abuse/neglect prevention
Social serv.: Child and/or parent advocates
Social serv.: Child maltreatment
Social serv.: Child or parent mental/behavioral health
Social serv.: Child welfare systems
Social serv.: Dual status youth
Social serv.: Out-of-home care
Social serv.: Permanency planning
Social serv.: Reunification
Social serv.: Social services workforce (e.g., social workers, case managers, behavioral health workers)
Social serv.: Termination of parental rights
Pub. health: Epidemiology
Pub. health: Health equity
Pub. health: Infectious disease
Pub. health: Maternal &/or infant health
Pub. health: Nutrition and/or assistance programs
Pub. health: Physical health
Pub. health: Sexual and reproductive health
Pub. health: Social determinants of health
Indiv. health: Behavioral and/or mental health services
Indiv. health: Health care
Indiv. health: Insurance and billing
Indiv. health: Medical records
Indiv. health: Telehealth
Vio: Community or gang violence
Vio: Exploitation
Vio: Family and/or intimate partner violence
Vio: Gun violence
Vio: Hate crimes or extremism
Vio: Human trafficking
Vio: School violence
Vio: Sexual violence
Vio: Victim services
Vio: Violence prevention
Vio: Workplace violence
Crime: Community policing
Crime: Corrections and/or legal system
Crime: Cyber crime
Crime: Justice system involvement
Crime: Juvenile justice &/or delinquency
Crime: Law enforcement
Crime: Police reform
Ed: Child care
Ed: Community schools
Ed: Early education &/or preschool
Ed: Education services and supports
Ed: Educational equity
Ed: Higher education
Ed: Home visiting programs
Ed: K-12
Ed: School choice
Ed: School counseling &/or student mental health
Ed: School readiness
Ed: Teacher workforce &/or professional development
Econ: Access to broadband
Econ: Career development &/or employment opportunities
Econ: Corporate responsibility
Econ: Economics
Econ: Financial issues
Econ: Housing &/or Homelessness
Econ: Opportunity Zones &/or HUBZones
Econ: Technical skill development
Econ: Vocational rehabilitation
Econ: Work incentive programs
Econ: Workforce development
Entrep: Access to funding & capital
Entrep: Entrepreneurial ecosystems
Entrep: Entrepreneurial innovation &/or integration
Entrep: Entrepreneurial mindset, skills, &/or leadership
Entrep: Entrepreneurial networking, advice, &/or mentorship
Entrep: Entrepreneurship education &/or training
Entrep: Equity, inequities, &/or disparities among entrepreneurs
Entrep: Intellectual property &/or tech transfer
Entrep: Macroeconomics &/or policy
Entrep: Micro entrepreneurship &/or small businesses
Entrep: Microeconomics, business equity, &/or financial health
Entrep: Pay, compensation, &/or benefits
Entrep: Scalability and large companies
Entrep: Social entrepreneurship
Enviro: Climate change
Enviro: Environmental justice
Enviro: Toxin exposure (e.g., heavy metals)
Enviro: Urban planning